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The following are responses from vegans on Facebook to this fill in the blank question: It's important for all vegans to ___________ (fill in the blank). |
Vera Cristofani - It's important for all vegans to promote veganism.
Lorraine Haines - It's important for all vegans to reject and challenge slavery and exploitation. To speak for, and represent the victims of slavery and exploitation. To identify, to the best of our ability, the REAL needs and rights of those our species has enslaved - not letting our egos infringe on the views we express, or actions we take on THEIR behalf.
Jenn V Keller-Lowe - It's important for all vegans to speak the truth about animals, whether non vegans want to hear it or not.
Lai Sityar - It's important for all vegans to become the media that will someday trample all the lies of the government and corporate funded media. And it's important that we don't water down the animal rights message, we have to keep in mind that it's all about the animals. The masses would stay close-minded and brainwashed and we'll never change the world if we don't promote abolition and if we just focus on small issues.
Urosh Sredojevich - It's important for all vegans to advocate for veganism unequivocally.
Ari Moore Evergreen - It's imporant for all vegans to retain a love for humanity, and a confidence in our capacity to change.
Michaela Anōnumos - It's important for all vegans to engage in activism and spread the word to anyone who will listen.
Will Beazley - It's important for all vegans to stay vegan.
Ashley Chisnall - It's important for all vegans to not be put-off by constant criticism and judgment, to keep doing what is right even when they feel alone.
Sarah C Panullo - It's important for all vegans to remember to take care of themselves too, so they can keep helping animals.
Debbie V Barnes - It's important for all vegans to respect each others differences and accept that we all have our own ways and beliefs. Our focus should be on our common ground.......the animals.
Kathryn Bulver - It's important for all vegans to extend their compassion to humans as well as animals, and make sure they have a source of B12.
Barbara McClure - It's important for all vegans to educate others in a compassionate, gentle way.
Laurie Cook - It's important for all vegans to be positive and supportive of each other and be willing to gently educate the omnivores.
PaulYork AnimalRights - It's important for all vegans to share this important life philosophy with others, through education, positive reinforcement, and living by example.
Jane Weeks - It's important for all vegans to show by example & GENTLE persuasion if ears and eyes are to be opened.
Amy Lynn Vegan-Forever - It's important for all vegans to eat plenty of fresh raw fruits and veggies...not just starch and protein.
Haley Tree - It's important for all vegans to HOLD A VISION (*the vision of a VEGAN world = Paradise!)
Lisa Ara Qualls - It's important for all vegns to be honest with ourselves and others.
Karen Seiken - It's important for all vegans to educate others.
Beata Ciupińska - It's important for all vegans to be enthusiastic about our vegan beliefs and spread the knowledge around.
Kim Frost - It's important for all vegans to be examples for others to follow. Compassion for all living beings ♥
James Ord - It's important for all vegans to not lose hope.
Chantelle Learn - It's important for all vegans to to learn the whole meaning of veganism by making that connection. Not just eat vegan for health reasons. Compassion Compassion Compassion is a must in the vegan lifestyle. Veganism is not just a change in diet it's a change of heart.
Beth Martin - It's important for all vegans to keep their sanity lol!!
Vasco Fernandes - It's important for all vegans to keep on fighting.
Marcus Dredge - It's important for all vegans to the best of their abilities advocate veganism and encourage others to do the same.
Mareile Bowditch - It's important for all vegans to show loving kindness to those that cannot yet see.
Alison Palmer - It's important for all vegans to appear happy, healthy, peaceful and loving; something I aspire to and often fall short of.
Susan Cho - It's important for all vegans to try to stop using clay kitty litter. Mining for clay destroys too many communities of wildlife. (OK, a pretty nit-picky point, but I figured everyone else will supply all the big-picture answers! this is an unusual one) :)
Judy V Leon - It's important for all vegans to spread the word about how wonderful and beneficial veganism is, but to be VERY smart about how we do it. People tend to think we vegans feel "superior" than them, or that we really don't know what we are talking about, and also not to attack them because they have different beliefs, (after all we were not all born vegan, we made the change at some point in our lives), that veganism is not only a diet but a life style. And also, between vegans, to be united and to not create "classes" like I've seen.
Margie T. Zunick - It's important for all vegans to be patient and tolerant of those who are at different points in their journeys. No one evolves at the same pace.
Vanessa Lackford - It's important for all vegans to share wonderful food with everyone, to demonstrate how delicious vegan food can be.
Carla Gardner - It's important for all vegans to be the change they want to see.
Susan Martin Stover - It's important for all vegans to live how their God would approve. To me, that means do no harm and respect all life.
M Butterflies Katz - It's important for all vegans to make their advocacy about "rights" rather than treatment/factory farms or supposed inhumane treatment, as all animal use is not humane; whether factory farmed or small organic farms, or hunted, or any form of animal exploitation, harming, objectifying, commodifying sentient animals.
Deborah B Reynolds - It's important for all vegans to walk the walk not just talk the talk.
Josh V Wenglin - It's important for all vegans to be respectful to omnivores. Being disrespectful doesn't help at all. I am not saying to respect their decision. Just to be respectful to them.
Ellie Jamison - It's important for all vegans to be kind and considerate even when faced with people who aren't ready, and who may also never be ready to accept the truth x
Ghazal Watson - It's important for all vegans to not just stop at being vegan. The animals need a real resistance movement, and that can be done through protests, home protests, act of civil disobedience etc. The problem is so many vegans are just lifestyle vegans. Everyone who says they care about animals needs to form or join protest groups in their areas and build sustained campaigns against local animal abusing companies until they shut down. Enough potlucks, long facebook preaches to the already converted, and time to get in the streets!
Siobhan Parker - It's important for all vegans to spread the word.
Robin Fetter - It's important for all vegans to speak up! You'll be amazed what you can do with your voice, from getting a restaurant to expand their vegan options to shutting down a traveling circus...the possibilities are endless with just one voice!
Joseph T. Espinosa - It's important for all vegans to be accurate and honest regarding the health aspects of the vegan diet.
Blake Willemsen - It's important for all vegans to be more tolerant of those who are not vegan but are toying with the idea! Why drive a wedge between yourself and a potential new convert!
Friz Bee Remain - It's important for all vegans to be a critical thinker! If like myself, your goal is abolition, don't take everything that the academics & notable figures of this movement say as always being the absolute truth, & try to avoid falling into the trap of thinking that you must stick rigidly to dogmatic rhetoric from abolitionist theory or else we will not achieve a world where animals have rights, because there is no evidence to suggest that this is the case.
Natalie Marilyn - It's important for all vegans to spread the truth about what is really going in in the meat, egg and dairy industry.
David Scully - It's important for all vegans to open hearts and minds.
Emma Kaczmarczyk - It's important for all vegans to spread compassion!
Nicole Graziano - It's important for all vegans to be great models of health.
Martha Sweeney - It's important for all vegans to be as "mainstream" as possible, especially re food; show by example that "vegan" is not a scary concept - it's simply healthy, happy and as easy (or gourmet!) as you want to make it. I
Steve Lotz - It's important for all vegans to model good health and promote mercy and compassion to all sentient beings.
Chris Morgan - It's important for all vegans to be polite and courteous when explaining the reasons for our choice.
Katherina Warren - It's important for all vegans to.continue to do what is right for them vs being swayed by friends or society.
Alan Maldonado - It's important for all vegans to.educate!
Petero Veritas Atkinson - It's important for all vegns to "not be too preachy!!" :)
Elizabeth O'Reilly - It's important for all vegns to lead by example.
Ricardo Hernandez - It's important for all vegns to remain calm, professional, classy and polite when confronting a deffensive meat-eater and show the positive aspects of veganism ;)
Nadine Berumen - It's important for all vegns to be an active voice for animal liberation and animal rights.
Wendy Kobylarz - It's important for all vegns to be intersectional. Animal liberation can be our priority, but we should not oppress other humans in our quest to free other animals, nor should we assume that a continuation of our current (consumer) culture will be able to make the world vegan. Capitalism is based on exploitation; we need a totally new way of thinking and living. And simply using vegan replicas of meat or cheese or buying vegan purses and makeup will not change things permanently.
Ruthie Santini - It's important for all vegans to spread the word about the benefits of becoming Vegan.
Ron Roberts - It's important for all vegans to remember that being vegan is necessary, but we must do more to achieve animal liberation.
Beth Martin - It's important for all vegans to talk about the truth/spread the word- and stay vegan.
Michelle Meeker - It's important for all vegans to speak out! :) Plant seeds in the minds of others!
Mareile Bowditch - It's important for all vegans to keep a weather eye on their choline levels.
Mor Kraim - It's important for all vegans to stay strong and remember that if we want to greatly impact and show it the right way, there is no need to fall into despair, but to strengthen the faith but also to know and accept that it will happen in the process like any other good thing. The truth never changes.
These are all so beautiful and inspiring words. It´s great to know that I´m not alone in this world who cares about animals, although I often feel alone in my community where no vegans can be found. So I think it´s important for all vegans no matter where they are to stay brave and be advocates for those who can´t speak for themselves.
...to just try to their sanity and to avoid showing their frustation even anger too much :)
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