Join vegan groups in your region to stay informed of any local protests and festivals. Join worldwide vegan groups in order to stay informed, share links, and be inspired by what vegans are doing and thinking all over the world. Help to support new vegans and those vegans who are alone. Scroll down to find groups by country and local groups. Some groups are more active than others. This is a (random) list – but not a recommendation of one group over another. (Please note: There are some local groups that include vegetarians. I do not support being a vegetarian, and believe being vegan is the least standard of decency towards other animals.) Also, if you don't want to receive tons of notifications from groups, just turn off notifications at the top of each group. If a group is private, you will need to click on an image or link in order to share the post from 'private' groups. Read the group's description to see if it fits your needs and beliefs. I have gone through them to see that they are active and have a substantial number of members. NOTE: FACEBOOK DISABLED MY ACCOUNT, UNJUSTLY, AND SO I DON'T ADD OR DELETE TO THIS LIST.

International Vegan/Veganism
Vegans 911 (Wichita Kansas)
Authentic Vegans Organic
The Vegan Billboard
I (a heart) LOVE Vegans
The Vegan Lifeline
Vegan Society of P.E.A.C.E. Roundtable Discussion
New Vegan Support
Vegan Groups Relating to Activism
Vegan Groups Relating to Peace
Vegan Peace Movement
Vegans Love Peace
Vegans for Peaceful Change
Vegan Is Peace
Vegan Peace
Peaceful Vegans
Peaceful Vegans
Vegan Harmony
Vegan Society of P.E.A.C.E. Roundtable Discussion
The Vegan Sanctuary
The Peaceful Vegan
The World Peace Diet (Will Tuttle)
Vegans Meeting/Networking
Vegan Networking Group
Vegan Networking Group
Vegan Networking
World Vegan Network
Vegan Alliance
Where Vegans Meet
Vegan Kinship
Vegan Connections
Reddit Vegans
Vegan relating to Compassion
Vegans with Heart
The kind and helpful Vegans
The Nice Vegan
Vegan Food
Happy (worldwide vegan restaurants)
What Fit Vegans Eat
Vegan Recipes to Share
Vegan Book Clubs
Virtual Vegan Book Club
Vegan Religion or No Religion
Vegan Dog Nutrition (strictly vegan, active group)
Vegan Recipes for Dogs
Vegans with Vegan Dogs (and kitties)
Vegan Parenting or Child-free
Childfree Vegans (Antinatalist Bent)
How Vegan Children Thrive
Vegan Live Fit
Vegan Bodybuilding and Fitness Unfiltered
Positive Healthy Vegan Friends
Vegan Runners
UK Vegan Runners
Conscious Muscle Vegan Fitness and Nutrition Support Group
Childfree Fit Vegan Atheist
Ask the Vegan Naturopath
Vegan Organic Gardening
Vegan Feminists
Vegan Travel
The Vegan Billboard
I (a heart) LOVE Vegans
The Vegan Lifeline
Vegan Society of P.E.A.C.E. Roundtable Discussion
Vegan Women
Happy Vegans
Animal Equality and Veganism Sanctuary
Vegans Living with Nonvegans
Veganism Around the World
Vegan Minds
Vegan Utopia
Vegans, Ethics, effectiveness, evidence, and efficiency
Vegan Crossroads (Sharing Our Tips,Recipes, Advice & Lots of Love)
Hardcore Vegans
Happy Vegans
Vegan rEvolution
Untamed Vegans
Vegan Polyamory
What Broke Vegans Eat, Wear, and Use
Vegan Flag International
International Vegans
Vegan Q & A
Just Vegan
As long as you're vegan
Vegan Luv
Anything Vegan!
Violet Vegan
Animal Rights Specifically
Animal Rights Zone
On Human Relations with Other Sentient Beings
Vegan Support Groups/New VeganVEGAN JEDI
Happy Vegans
Animal Equality and Veganism Sanctuary
Vegans Living with Nonvegans
Veganism Around the World
Vegan Minds
Vegan Utopia
Vegans, Ethics, effectiveness, evidence, and efficiency
Vegan Crossroads (Sharing Our Tips,Recipes, Advice & Lots of Love)
Hardcore Vegans
Happy Vegans
Vegan rEvolution
Untamed Vegans
Vegan Polyamory
What Broke Vegans Eat, Wear, and Use
Vegan Flag International
International Vegans
Vegan Q & A
Just Vegan
As long as you're vegan
Vegan Luv
Anything Vegan!
Violet Vegan
Animal Rights Specifically
Animal Rights Zone
On Human Relations with Other Sentient Beings
World Wide Animal Rights
Reaching Out for Animal Rights R.O.A.R.
Complete Animal Liberation No Compromise
269 Liberation
Complete Animal Liberation No Compromise
269 Liberation
Vegan Abolitionism For All
Vegan for Animal Rights (gölgelerdeki güller)
All Animals have the Right to Life, we must respect their rights
Animal Freedom Fighters Unite
Veganism IS an ethical stance beyond diet
United for Animal Liberation
R.O.A.R. Reaching Out for Animal Rights
Animal Rights Strategy Group
Vegan Animal Rights Activists
Vegan for Animal Rights (gölgelerdeki güller)
All Animals have the Right to Life, we must respect their rights
Animal Freedom Fighters Unite
Veganism IS an ethical stance beyond diet
United for Animal Liberation
R.O.A.R. Reaching Out for Animal Rights
Animal Rights Strategy Group
Vegan Animal Rights Activists
New Vegan Support
Vegan Support Group<3 p="">
Vegan Groups Relating to Activism
Vegan Activists
Vegan Animal Rights Activists
Animal Activists Worldwide
Vegans for animal activism worldwide
Vegan Online 'Post' Assistance
Encouraging Vegan Education
Veganism Educational Group
Vegan Batman Light
Vegan Chalk Challenge
Effective Vegan Activism, Strategy and Support
Animal Rights Administrators and Content Creators Working Together
Vegan Animal Rights Activists
Animal Activists Worldwide
Vegans for animal activism worldwide
Vegan Online 'Post' Assistance
Encouraging Vegan Education
Veganism Educational Group
Vegan Batman Light
Vegan Chalk Challenge
Effective Vegan Activism, Strategy and Support
Animal Rights Administrators and Content Creators Working Together
Vegan Groups Relating to Peace
Vegan Peace Movement
Vegans Love Peace
Vegans for Peaceful Change
Vegan Is Peace
Vegan Peace
Peaceful Vegans
Peaceful Vegans
Vegan Harmony
Vegan Society of P.E.A.C.E. Roundtable Discussion
The Vegan Sanctuary
The Peaceful Vegan
The World Peace Diet (Will Tuttle)
Vegans Meeting/Networking
Vegan Networking Group
Vegan Networking Group
Vegan Networking
World Vegan Network
Vegan Alliance
Where Vegans Meet
Vegan Kinship
Vegan Connections
Reddit Vegans
Vegan relating to Compassion
Vegans with Heart
The kind and helpful Vegans
The Nice Vegan
Vegan Food
Happy (worldwide vegan restaurants)
What Fit Vegans Eat
Vegan Recipes to Share
Simply Vegan Food
Earth Friendly Food Choices
What Vegans Eat
Vegan Food U.K.
Vegan Nutrition Facts
Vegan Fare Share
Vegan Diners
Vegan Cheese
Vegan Baking
What Raw Vegans Eat
Happy Vegan Couple (plant-based nutrition)
What Broke Vegans Eat
The Vegan: Gluten and Soy Free
Vegan Costco
Intermittent Fasting for VEGANS
share vegan recipes
Powered by Plants
Five Dollar Vegan
Vegan Trader Joe's
Vegan Fermentation
Gluten-Free Vegans
Plant-Powered Nutrition
Vegan Relating to Environment
Earth Friendly Food Choices
What Vegans Eat
Vegan Food U.K.
Vegan Nutrition Facts
Vegan Fare Share
Vegan Diners
Vegan Cheese
Vegan Baking
What Raw Vegans Eat
Happy Vegan Couple (plant-based nutrition)
What Broke Vegans Eat
The Vegan: Gluten and Soy Free
Vegan Costco
Intermittent Fasting for VEGANS
share vegan recipes
Powered by Plants
Five Dollar Vegan
Vegan Trader Joe's
Vegan Fermentation
Gluten-Free Vegans
Plant-Powered Nutrition
Vegan Relating to Environment
Vegan Book Clubs
Virtual Vegan Book Club
Vegan Religion or No Religion
Bodhisattva Society of Mindful Vegans
Atheist Vegans
Childfree Fit Vegan Atheist
Vegan Spiritual Group
Vegan Nutrition Dogs/CatsAtheist Vegans
Childfree Fit Vegan Atheist
Vegan Spiritual Group
Vegan Dog Nutrition (strictly vegan, active group)
Vegan Recipes for Dogs
Vegans with Vegan Dogs (and kitties)
Vegan Parenting or Child-free
Childfree Vegans (Antinatalist Bent)
How Vegan Children Thrive
Vegan Pregnancy & Parenting
Raising Little Vegans
Vegan Parents
Vegan Moms
Kids Vegan Lunch Box
What Vegan Kids Eat
Childfree Fit Vegan Atheist
What Vegan Children Eat
Vegan Gentle Parenting
Plant Powered Families
How Vegan Children Thrive
Informed vegan pregnancy and parenting
Positive and Vaccine Informed Vegan Parents
Vegan Moms and Babies
Anti-Natalist Vegans
Bodybuilding/Fitness/HealthRaising Little Vegans
Vegan Parents
Vegan Moms
Kids Vegan Lunch Box
What Vegan Kids Eat
Childfree Fit Vegan Atheist
What Vegan Children Eat
Vegan Gentle Parenting
Plant Powered Families
How Vegan Children Thrive
Informed vegan pregnancy and parenting
Positive and Vaccine Informed Vegan Parents
Vegan Moms and Babies
Anti-Natalist Vegans
Vegan Live Fit
Vegan Bodybuilding and Fitness Unfiltered
Positive Healthy Vegan Friends
Vegan Runners
UK Vegan Runners
Conscious Muscle Vegan Fitness and Nutrition Support Group
Childfree Fit Vegan Atheist
Ask the Vegan Naturopath
Vegan Organic Gardening
Vegan Organic Gardening
Veganic Gardening PDX (Portland)
Veganic Food Growers Australia
Vegan Organic Growing Ireland
Growing Vegan Food UK
Vegan Organic Network (page)
Vegan FeministsVeganic Gardening PDX (Portland)
Veganic Food Growers Australia
Vegan Organic Growing Ireland
Growing Vegan Food UK
Vegan Organic Network (page)
Vegan Feminists
Vegan Feminists
Global Vegan Feminists
Vegan Intersectional Feminists
Vegan Businesses/Products
Vegan TravelGlobal Vegan Feminists
Vegan Intersectional Feminists
Vegan Businesses/Products
Vegan Businesses
Vegan Job Seekers and Entrepreneurs
Vegan Entrepeneurs
Vegan Advertising
Free Ads for Vegans
Vegan Buy, Swap, and Sell
Vegan Fashion, Home, and Health Products
Vegan Product Resource Centre
Australian Complete Vegan Product List
100% Vegan Products EUROPE
Vegan Product Announcements and Reviews
Products Suitable for Vegans (IRELAND)
The Vegan Household
Vegan Online Shopping
Cruelty-Free / Vegan Make-up and Skincare
Vegan Jobs/Professionals/Entrepreneurs/Business
Beauty Without Cruelty
Vegan Items Only - Buy/Sell/Trade/Free/Auction
Vegan-Owned Companies
Vegan Job Seekers and Entrepreneurs
Vegan Entrepeneurs
Vegan Advertising
Free Ads for Vegans
Vegan Buy, Swap, and Sell
Vegan Fashion, Home, and Health Products
Vegan Product Resource Centre
Australian Complete Vegan Product List
100% Vegan Products EUROPE
Vegan Product Announcements and Reviews
Products Suitable for Vegans (IRELAND)
The Vegan Household
Vegan Online Shopping
Cruelty-Free / Vegan Make-up and Skincare
Vegan Jobs/Professionals/Entrepreneurs/Business
Beauty Without Cruelty
Vegan Items Only - Buy/Sell/Trade/Free/Auction
Vegan-Owned Companies
Vegan Travel
Vegan Gallery (Chicago)
Vegan Artists
Vegan Art and Poetry
Vegan Artists
Vegan Writers
Vegan Art Supply Finds
Vegan Academia/Scientific
Vegan Scientific Facts
Institute for Critical Animal Studies
XENO-Ethics–Introducing animals into human ethics
Animal Cognition, the Emotional and intellectual Lives of Animals
Vegan Academia
Vegan Science
Social Workers for Animals (SWA)
Animals: A Parallel History Coalition
Rational Vegans (using scientific method)
Vegan Specific Issues (Anti- Hunting/Experimentation)
Vegan Debate
Vegan Art and Poetry
Vegan Artists
Vegan Writers
Vegan Art Supply Finds
Vegan Academia/Scientific
Vegan Scientific Facts
Institute for Critical Animal Studies
XENO-Ethics–Introducing animals into human ethics
Animal Cognition, the Emotional and intellectual Lives of Animals
Vegan Academia
Vegan Science
Social Workers for Animals (SWA)
Animals: A Parallel History Coalition
Rational Vegans (using scientific method)
Vegan Specific Issues (Anti- Hunting/Experimentation)
Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC)
Reducing Wild-Animal Suffering
Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC)
Reducing Wild-Animal Suffering
Vegan Debate
Vegan Debate
Vegans Debating Issues
Vegans V's Meat Eaters (open debates) 3
Vegans And Good Hearted Non Vegans, Friendly Debates
Vegans Debating Issues
Vegans V's Meat Eaters (open debates) 3
Vegans And Good Hearted Non Vegans, Friendly Debates
(by state)
DxE Los Angeles Community
Los Angeles and Worldwide Animal/Vegan Activism
Vegans of the Bay
Los Angeles Vegan
Vegan Foodies (West San Fernando Valley)
Stockton Vegan/Vegetarian Group
Sacramento Vegan Society Closed Group
So Easy~So Good - Modesto Vegan Wannabe Group
Los Angeles and Worldwide Animal/Vegan Activism
Vegans of the Bay
Los Angeles Vegan
Vegan Foodies (West San Fernando Valley)
Stockton Vegan/Vegetarian Group
Sacramento Vegan Society Closed Group
So Easy~So Good - Modesto Vegan Wannabe Group
Ethical Food Association at Florida State
Jacksonville Vegetarian/Vegan Group
Vegan City Tampa
Florida vegans and vegetarians
Vegan Martial Artists SoFla
Tallahassee Vegan Group
South Florida Vegans
Tampa Vegans
Universal Orlando Vegans
Jacksonville Vegetarian/Vegan Group
Vegan City Tampa
Florida vegans and vegetarians
Vegan Martial Artists SoFla
Tallahassee Vegan Group
South Florida Vegans
Tampa Vegans
Universal Orlando Vegans
Vegan Georgia
Vegan Atlanta Social Club
Vegan Atlanta Book Club
Vegan City Atlanta Georgia
Savannah Veggies and Vegans
Vegan Atlanta Social Club
Vegan Atlanta Book Club
Vegan City Atlanta Georgia
Savannah Veggies and Vegans
Montana Vegans
Mississippi Vegans
Mississippi Vegan Group (page)
The Mississippi Vegan Group
Mississippi Vegans
Mississippi Vegan Group (page)
The Mississippi Vegan Group
Las Vegas Vegans
Las Vegas Vegan Activists
Vegans Las Vegas
New Jersey
New Jersey / New York City Metro Vegan
Vegan New Jersey
Las Vegas Vegan Activists
Vegans Las Vegas
New Jersey
New Jersey / New York City Metro Vegan
Vegan New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
North Carolina Vegans
R.O.A.R. Reaching Out for Animal Rights (Wilmington)
Vegans for Peace (North Carolina)
R.O.A.R. Reaching Out for Animal Rights (Wilmington)
Vegans for Peace (North Carolina)
North Dakota
Vegan Dayton Support Group
Grow Vegan Ohio (veganic gardening)
Cincinnati Ethical Vegans
Ohio Animal Rights Activists
Vegans of Lakewood
Columbus Vegan Meetup
Vegan Oklahoma
Grow Vegan Ohio (veganic gardening)
Cincinnati Ethical Vegans
Ohio Animal Rights Activists
Vegans of Lakewood
Columbus Vegan Meetup
Vegan Oklahoma
Rhode Island
South Carolina
West Virginia
United Kingdom
Brighton Vegans
Vegan Brighton
Bristol Vegans
Cardiff Vegan Action Group
Cornwall Vegans
DxE – UK Direct Action Everywhere
Eat Out Vegan Wales
Brighton Vegans
Vegan Brighton
Bristol Vegans
Cardiff Vegan Action Group
Cornwall Vegans
DxE – UK Direct Action Everywhere
Eat Out Vegan Wales
West Sussex vegan group
Vegans of Lincolnshire, UK
Leeds Vegans and Vegetarians
Leeds Vegans
Leicester Animal Rights (L.A.R.)
London Vegan
London Vegans
London Animal Rights Actions
London Veggie Vegan Animal Rights Connections
London Drooling Vegans
Manchester Vegan Activists Social Group
Manchester Abolitionist Vegans (page)
Vegan Manchester – social group for the vegan-friendly
Moseley Vegans
North Wales Vegans
Vegans in Wales
Northampton UK vegan and veggie group
Stoke Vegan and Vegetarian Group
Surrey Vegans UK
Swansea Vegans
York Friends of Animals
Vegan UKVegans of Lincolnshire, UK
Leeds Vegans and Vegetarians
Leeds Vegans
Leicester Animal Rights (L.A.R.)
London Vegan
London Vegans
London Animal Rights Actions
London Veggie Vegan Animal Rights Connections
London Drooling Vegans
Manchester Vegan Activists Social Group
Manchester Abolitionist Vegans (page)
Vegan Manchester – social group for the vegan-friendly
Moseley Vegans
North Wales Vegans
Vegans in Wales
Northampton UK vegan and veggie group
Stoke Vegan and Vegetarian Group
Surrey Vegans UK
Swansea Vegans
York Friends of Animals
Lovely Vegans U.K.
Vegan Beauty and Wellness UK
Vegan Parents UK
Vegan UK - apologist free
VeggieVision TV Internet TV - Karen Ridgers
Vegan Girls UK
Bournemouth Vegans and Vegetarians
Vegan and Vegetarian West Dorset
New Forest Vegans
Veganify UK Supermarkets
Vegan Animal Rescue UK
Vegan Kids UK
Essex Vegans
Cheltenham Vegans
Gloucestershire Vegans
Vegan and Cruelty-Free Beauty U.K.
Kent Vegan Protests and Outreach Organising
Vegan - Reading, Berkshire
The Liverpool Vegetarian and Vegan Society
Vegan Beauty and Wellness UK
Vegan Parents UK
Vegan UK - apologist free
VeggieVision TV Internet TV - Karen Ridgers
Vegan Girls UK
Bournemouth Vegans and Vegetarians
Vegan and Vegetarian West Dorset
New Forest Vegans
Veganify UK Supermarkets
Vegan Animal Rescue UK
Vegan Kids UK
Essex Vegans
Cheltenham Vegans
Gloucestershire Vegans
Vegan and Cruelty-Free Beauty U.K.
Kent Vegan Protests and Outreach Organising
Vegan - Reading, Berkshire
The Liverpool Vegetarian and Vegan Society
Dublin Vegan
Vegan Dining Out Ireland
Vegan City Glasgow
Ethical Vegans of Scotland
Vegan Scotland
Vegan Events Scotland
Vegans in Scotland
Vegan City Glasgow
Vegan Inverness
Vegan Scotland
Vegan Dining Out Ireland
Vegan City Glasgow
Ethical Vegans of Scotland
Vegan Scotland
Vegan Events Scotland
Vegans in Scotland
Vegan City Glasgow
Vegan Inverness
Vegan Scotland
European Countries
Vienna Vegan Group
VEGAN_JA (Vienna Austria, also English speaking)
Sattvic Vegetarians and Vegans Stockholm

VEGAN_JA (Vienna Austria, also English speaking)
Sattvic Vegetarians and Vegans Stockholm

Those Vegan Aussie Blokes Community
VEGAN Voice Australia
Australian Vegans
Unapologetic Vegans Australia
VEGAN Voice Australia
Australian Vegans
Unapologetic Vegans Australia
Brisbane Vegans Unite!
Unite for Animal Liberation: One Voice Brisbane
Sydney Vegan Animal Activism/Events/Rallies/Petitions
Sydney Plant-Based Club
Sydney Vegan Club
Sydney Vegans
Sydney Vegans
Living Vegan in Sydney
Vegans of Sydney
Unite for Animal Liberation: One Voice Brisbane
Sydney Vegan Animal Activism/Events/Rallies/Petitions
Sydney Plant-Based Club
Sydney Vegan Club
Sydney Vegans
Sydney Vegans
Living Vegan in Sydney
Vegans of Sydney
Vegan Businesses Networking Australia
Australian Complete Vegan Product List
Vegan Businesses Australia
Australian Complete Vegan Product List
Vegan Businesses Australia
Vegan and Vegetarian Support Group Australia
Vegan Women in Australia
Vegan Singles Australia
Healthy Vegans Australia
Vegan Jobs Available (Melbourne and Sydney)
Vegans in Wollongong ("VeGongs") New South Wales
Approachable Vegans in Australia
Vegans in Darwin (Northern Territory)
Vegans of Eltham
Vegan Australia
Vegan Permaculture Australia
Vegan Buy, Swap, Sell services and Free (Australia)
Ipswich Vegans, Queensland Australia
Perth Vegans
Vegan Women in Australia
Vegan Singles Australia
Healthy Vegans Australia
Vegan Jobs Available (Melbourne and Sydney)
Vegans in Wollongong ("VeGongs") New South Wales
Approachable Vegans in Australia
Vegans in Darwin (Northern Territory)
Vegans of Eltham
Vegan Australia
Vegan Permaculture Australia
Vegan Buy, Swap, Sell services and Free (Australia)
Ipswich Vegans, Queensland Australia
Perth Vegans
NZ Vegan Kitchen
Auckland Vegans
Go Vegan ( Page
Vegan North (Northland)
Vegans NZ
Christchurch Vegans NZ
Vegan Products and Services Christchurch New Zealand
Happy Little Vegans and Transitioning Vegans NZ
NZ Vegan Parents
What Kiwi Vegans Eat
Animal Advocates Collective Impact NZ

Auckland Vegans
Go Vegan ( Page
Vegan North (Northland)
Vegans NZ
Christchurch Vegans NZ
Vegan Products and Services Christchurch New Zealand
Happy Little Vegans and Transitioning Vegans NZ
NZ Vegan Parents
What Kiwi Vegans Eat
Animal Advocates Collective Impact NZ

Canadian Vegetarians and Vegans
Vegans of Canada
Vegan Canada
Vegan Montreal
Vegane Montreal - Montreal Vegan
Anti-Oppressive Vegans of Toronto
Toronto Vegan Feminists
Vegetarians and Vegans in Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Vegan Jobs Canada
Ottawa Vegans and Vegetarians
Toronto Vegan Baking Group
Calgary Vegans/Vegetarians
Toronto Vegan Community
Alberta Vegans
Edmonton Vegans Connect!
Animal Activists & Vegans of Canada
Vegans of Canada
Vegan Canada
Vegan Montreal
Vegane Montreal - Montreal Vegan
Anti-Oppressive Vegans of Toronto
Toronto Vegan Feminists
Vegetarians and Vegans in Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Vegan Jobs Canada
Ottawa Vegans and Vegetarians
Toronto Vegan Baking Group
Calgary Vegans/Vegetarians
Toronto Vegan Community
Alberta Vegans
Edmonton Vegans Connect!
Animal Activists & Vegans of Canada
Vegan Campaigns, Events and Activism – Sudesh Kumar Foundation
Veganism in Mumbai
India Vegan Revolution
Veganism in Mumbai
India Vegan Revolution
China: Vegan, Eco friendly, Spiritual Events, Places
Vegan Sri Lankans (Be a Vegan = Happy, Healthy &Cruelty-Free)
Vegan Sri Lankans (Be a Vegan = Happy, Healthy &Cruelty-Free)
Vegan Society of Indonesia
Vegans in Singapore
Loving Vegan Community (Jakarta Indonesia)
Veganism in Nepal
Vegans in Asia
Vegans in Malaysia
Malaysian Vegan
People for Animals
Animal Advocates
Worldwide Animal Defenders
Vegans in Singapore
Loving Vegan Community (Jakarta Indonesia)
Veganism in Nepal
Vegans in Asia
Vegans in Malaysia
Malaysian Vegan
People for Animals
Animal Advocates
Worldwide Animal Defenders
Voices for the Voiceless
The animals voice
End All Animal Cruelty Now
Be the voice for the voiceless; stop cruelty to all animals NOW
Kicking Ass, Saving Animals
Wildlife AwarenessThe animals voice
End All Animal Cruelty Now
Be the voice for the voiceless; stop cruelty to all animals NOW
Kicking Ass, Saving Animals
Thank you very much for creating this!! This is going to help us tremendously. It looks great! Hope you can edit it as necessary.��❤
I have a vegan group. It's called Vegan Pro life Christians. How can I add my group to this list?
Thanks so much for this list. Fantastic collection.
Great list, thank you for doing this! In Ohio, there is also Ohio Animal Rights Activists, Vegans of Lakewood, and Cin-C.A.R.E (Cincinnati Collective for Animal Rights and Education).
Please include FB group "New Orleans Vegans" in your listing. Thank you for an incredible list!
Appreciate the hard work you've done on this list!
Not sure how big you want it to get, but I maintain the VeganDiego directory, which lists all things vegan in San Diego County, including over 25 vegan Facebook groups that you're welcome to include on your list.
Here's the direct link:
Or via Facebook:
Mike Weinberg
San Diego, California
Thanks for creating this list. Please add Vegans of Eltham to Australian section. Thanks.
Memphis Vegan Drinks AND Memphis Vegan Dineouts and Potlucks Meetup Memphis Tennessee
Awesome list,I have a FB group for parents of vegan kids in the Richmond VA area.We do playdates & potlucks.
Please add Vegan Atlanta
Please add
New Mexico Vegan:
Red & Green VegFest Albuquerque
Sprouting Compassion
Eat Without Violence
Grrreat resources! Please add:
Super Quick Plant-Based Recipes
10 Minute Plant-Based / Vegan Activism
Thank you!
Thanks for the list!! Here in south dakota we have a few vegan groups as well, please add to your list! Thank you!
Sioux Falls Area Vegan and Vegetarian Meet-up
Vegans of the Black Hills
Sioux Area Vegans
Vegan South Dakota
Many people are sending links to pages NOT groups and I am not adding them, in case you wonder why. This is ONLY for groups. And I may choose not to add a group if there are not very many members.
This group is vegan recipes, positive quotes, health articles and a bit if humor.
Thank you so much for this list, I know alot of work must have gone into it. It is incredibly useful for me to get the word out about all the animal rights marches coming up and ultimately increase attendance. "Search" on facebook misses alot of groups that you have managed to find. FYI: HUGE! ... OFFICIAL ANIMAL RIGHTS MARCHES
Please notice: germany: veganes zeitalter ( nearly 18.000 Members (Main group) and germany: vegan Age...has begun ans a lot of sub- Groups ans Sides. All together nearly 40.000 Members.
Please add The Mississippi Vegan Group in Mississippi!
Could you please add Happy Vegan Couple to your list. We are on Facebook and Youtube. We post educational essays and lectures on plant-based nutrition and we produce whole food, plant-based cooking videos showing step-by-step directions.
Could you add this group please? Its the oldest and most active vegan group for Malaysia.
Please add Vegan Kalamazoo!
Thanks for this page :)
Please can you add "Vegan Carlisle" FB page in the UK?
Any Chance you can add Vegan Organic Network to the vegan gardening groups please, they are UK based, provide certification for veganic growers and compile a worldwide directory of veganic certified growers
I am not going to be adding "pages" to this "group" directory. It's already long, so I will just be sticking with Facebook groups ... in case you are wondering why I don't add your pages that people have requested to be added.
Thanks for the list! ❤️
I don't see this group. It's in Modesto California.
They have potlucks and other outings.
I've recently created groups for each county in my state, Connecticut. Some of the groups don't have many members yet.
Vegans of Hartford CT
Vegans of Fairfield CT
Vegans of Litchfield CT
Vegans Of Tolland CT
Vegans of Windham CT
Vegans of New Haven CT
Vegans of New London CT
Vegans of Middlesex CT
I would appreciate it if you added them so that people of my state find them more easily. How big does a group have to be for you to consider adding it?
Thank you
P.S. CT vegan social club and CT vegan club are the same thing.
Thanks so much for this list. I recently moved and needed to reconnect with AR groups and other vegans. What a blessing this is!
I have a fb group of over 5k members. Idk if it can be added but if interested here is the link.
Vegan Electronic mag page for New Mexico Vegan
Eat Vegan Let me Help you FB page
Eat Without Violence FB
I have Vegan Electronic mag - New Mexico Vegan
A Vegan VegFest Page
Red & Green VegFest Albuquerque
Wow, where has this list been all my life?
I hope you’ll consider adding my FB page, Veg Tampa Bay ( as well as the FB page and website of the Tampa Bay Veg Fest, an annual event that’s entirely vegan ( and, respectively). Veg Fest is put on by Florida Voices for Animals ( and, a nonprofit that advocates for the rights of animals, with a strong emphasis on veganism. Thanks!
Please put 1) Vegans of Queens and 2) Vegans of the Bronx on the list. Thanks for this great resource and all your hard work to make it. <3
Hi! Could you please add Vegan Justice League to the list?
Hope you are well, quick question, would you post my new product on your blog, it seems like we are both aligned in business, a little bio if ok,
V3 Bodybuilding is a plant-based fitness system that provides an ideal mix of science and practical advice on how to eat based on your fitness goals.
We infuse the entire thing with mind-body awareness.
We examined every fragment of science and research we could find, tested it on top athletes and bodybuilders, and distilled our findings into one system that contains everything you need to take control of your own health and fitness.
The website is
All the best Mark
Vegan ARTivists: a group to post animal activist art in. Paintings, chalking, songs etc
An amazing resource. Thank you.
Australia 😀
Facebook disabled my account too! Unfairly too. And won't reply back to me. I don't know if it's for alot of activity, or they are demanding me to use my real last name (which I'm not going to do).
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