September 3, 2011


The following question was posted on Facebook. Here are 100 responses 
from vegans around the world. 
Since I became vegan, I have noticed....(fill in the blank). 

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed that other animals can feel my veganism and I've formed very close bonds with other species of animals. And since I became vegan, I’ve noticed many more people becoming vegan too!  - M ‘Butterflies’ Katz

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed how good it feels to have my actions in line with my values. - Diane Gandee Sorbi

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed my energy levels went through the roof.
Coileán Mac Alasdair

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed how every other commercial on TV has some kind of animal product in it. - Diane Sims

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed how much I didn't see or know before! - Rose McKenney

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed I no longer feel debilitating depression or anxiety as I feel in sync with the universal energies. I no longer seek materialism or status, yet feel worthy of good fortune. I have found my voice, and with that, a sense of purpose. - Cully Miller

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed how differently I perceive the world. It became more sick and violent. - Urosh Sredojevich

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed the beauty, complexity, and inherent value of all sentient beings. - Gary Loewenthal

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed that vegans come in all sizes, shapes, colors, races, religions, political parties. - Michael Hobson

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed I am healthier. - Louise McGannon

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed that... 1.) I question things more. I had swallowed the BS that humans HAD to eat animal products so after I realised this was untrue I wondered what other BS in my culture/society I was swallowing. 2.) I felt physically and mentally so much happier and healthier. Like I must have been riddled with unconscious guilt before, which was destroying me physically and mentally. 3.) I feel closer to animals and herbivorous animals trust me more now. (eg horses sniff our breath to see what we've been eating. If it's meat they tend to fear us, for obvious reasons.) - Amanda Benham

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed that human-caused suffering and exploitation are everywhere and are the intrinsic foundation our cultures, traditions, and economic and social systems are built on. And that our species is essentially a parasite that takes, uses, devours, and destroys until there is nothing left. I’ve noticed that all forms of oppression and exploitation and injustice are inextricably interwoven. I’ve noticed that no matter how much I thought I knew about our treatment of other animals, when I looked deeper, the reality was invariably and markedly worse than I could have ever imagined—beyond anyone’s worst nightmares. I’ve noticed that there is no reason to believe in some mythical place called “Hell” because for untold billions upon billions of irreplaceable individuals, hell is all they will ever know and it is we humans who have sentenced them to it, all so we can appease our taste buds, vanity, egos, and enrich our bank accounts. And, not surprisingly, I’ve noticed that I don’t like our species very much and that I firmly believe the planet and all Earthlings will be much better off after the inevitable demise of homo sapiens. I've noticed that "if you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention"; and that "once you know something, you can’t unknow it"; and that empathy is a very painful “gift;” and that true lasting happiness is a near impossibility in a world filled with and powered by misery, violence, and death. And I’ve noticed that despite the insurmountable odds and impossibility of getting humankind to fundamentally change its collective view and treatment of the Earth and other Earthlings, I know that my purpose in life is to attempt—in whatever small way I can—to do just that. - Monica Ball

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed I've become a better person. - Madhur Patel

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed how much denial non-vegans are in.
Kim Elizabeth Johnson

Since I became vegan, I have noticed I am sexier. - Justina Novitarini

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed that I still have a LOT to learn. - Barbara DeGrande

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed I have less blood on my hands than before. My conscience is clearer…not weighted down by the knowledge that I am part of the death machine. - Paul York

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed how much happier I am, the weight has been lifted from my shoulders - I feel clarity and I'm able to show people this so they too see the right path. Alta Esta

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed I feel lighter. - June Siegel-Hill

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed how times have changed over the past 40 much more educated we are today about animal exploitation and suffering.....and how there is no excuse for not being vegan in 2011! - Susan Gallagher Cassidy-Ray

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed how cruel humans are. - Sari Alie

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed how good fruits and vegetables taste.
Elizabeth D’Vegan

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed wild animals aren’t as afraid of me. Butterflies land on me, toads follow me around the yard, and even wild animals that I find that are hurt are docile and allow me to pick them up. It is totally awesome. I don’t get sick, not even a cold, the flu, nothing… - Julie Ann Sherwood Zserdin

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed I've found Peace within myself. - Helen Dalilah Osh

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed life become grander in so many ways. I feel healthier than ever, my skin is clearer and younger, I think clearer. I love feeling love, I love feeling love for all of life, including non vegans. - Claire Fullbright

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed how much happier I am. - Batty V Katt

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed so many things. I could write a short story: Mental clarity, a heightened appreciation for life, a greater love for animals…even for humans, (even though their ignorance at times, makes me short tempered), a need for more knowledge...and on and on and on. - Shelly Vegan Norton

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed people are more money-minded and don’t bother about what is happening to animals. Some don’t even want to listen. - Pintu Vegana

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed every single thing that is not vegan…as if magnified with a spotlight. So how did I not notice these things before I was vegan? - Elisa Jonson

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed how very fearful humans are of change and how they long to be compassionate but can’t. - Dianne Robison

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed how even MORE cruel people can be. They just lash out just because; just because I do not eat animals or their secretions. It's really sad and quite weird! - Lis McVeganham-Wolf

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed how animal exploitation is virtually a part of every aspect of society. - Jody Chesik

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed I feel so much more peaceful and connected to everyone, and that brought me a new found sense of spirituality. - Don Robertson

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed food tastes better! And that I no longer have cognitive dissonance. - Molly Clark Duffy

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed the necessity for education and non-violence, and the obligation I have to contribute to that. - Carolyn Bailey

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed the arthritis I had just been diagnosed with before becoming vegan has improved beyond belief. Not the reason I became vegan at all, just a happy side effect! - Vanessa Lackford

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed I feel better than I have since before chemo AND no more meds and remedies to "go" to the bathroom! That all happened in one week! - Cindy Taffel

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed how self-concerned people are that they don't care what happens to others, as long as it makes them feel better (temporarily). - Alexa Reed

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed how much goodness I can help bring into this world. - Alan O’Reilly

Since I became vegan I notice I can relate to the world better. Veganism has allowed me to transcend my habitual thoughts and actions, obviously in regards to animals, but also humans and the natural world. It encourages me to be compassionate and it motivates free thinking. Veganism has also allowed me to be non-selective with my compassion. - Steven Ahimsa Felix

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed I am not the most important being on the planet.  - Michelle McLoughney

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed I can live with myself. - Valerie St. Denis

Since I became vegan, I notice...ALL forms of oppression more easily. - Danny Nichols

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed more than ever, how much conscious cruelty humanity inflicts on each other and our fellow earthlings. - Monica Lucas

Since I became vegan, I have noticed that a layer of gloom was lifted from my mind and soul. I began to realize that 1. I don't need animal protein to survive, 2. I can think more clearly and rational about things in general than before, 3. My allergies improved tremendously, 4. I continue to grow spiritually and easier now as to where I was before was like pulling the ball and chain. 5. I can eat a lot more now and stay at a healthy weight. There is only one possible negative thing about it, and it is that I have little interest to socialize with the people I did before, I know I have nothing against them personally but I can not longer relate to them in the same way as before and make sense to their mentality and their moral retardation so I choose to stay away and spend the time I used to give to them to creating awareness about animal rights and educating myself further. I am still in the crawling stages compared to many but I am loving every second of it! This has not had a negative effect to me at all. I always like the company of my husband (also a vegan) and my two dogs better. - Clara Bemer

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed my compassion has been extended to all life, even the seemingly insignificant ones. My psychic awareness and connection to the planet went through the roof. I am happier, I feel better, life IS better!!! Oh, and the ten pounds I lost right away have stayed off! Going on two years now! - VegAnn Hawks

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed the thoughtless cruelty around me, in every meal people eat, in their words, in their attitudes. - Luan Webber

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed that everybody should have a goal and an IDEAL. Mine is to be alive to witness the day that all animal factory farms and slaughterhouses are closed as well as all laboratories that use animals for experimentation are closed. Everybody exists. It is only the few who live. To live, you should have an IDEAL. Life is short. The path is long. The pinnacle is very high. The time is very little---Old Hindu verse - Arthur Poletti

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed, I feel better about myself and living up to my values, and I no longer have mucus nor allergies in the summer. - Nan Sea Love

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed collectively humans have a long way to go in many respects. The plight of non human animals is possibly the last generally unrecognized social justice issue. Although, unfortunately the ones that are harmed by this injustice are most of the individuals that are on the earth. Also, a great sense of purpose. - Olly Stearn

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed I feel better, no guilt, and better tasting food!
Sarah Panullo

Since I became vegan, I have noticed how easy it is to be vegan, how much better I feel, both physically and mentally. I have also noticed that there is an enormous variety of different foods that I would never have tried had I not embraced the vegan fact I wonder why more people have not embraced this lifestyle. - Carlos Oliveira

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed that animals and their rights are the most important things in the world to me. - Kate Drake

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed that my chronic and often terrifying asthma disappeared completely, that I had loads more energy, that bodily symptoms I'd attributed to age disappeared, and that I felt so much happier, having a clear conscience to go with the joy of the 'clean' food I was now consuming. - Sue Henderson

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed that I am more aware of the world and its inhabitants. - Avril Simms

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed I never ever get sick. Since going vegan, I haven't even had so much as a sniffle (unless I get dog hair up my nose). - Paul Fusch Dittoing Julie

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed sinusitis has cleared, haven't had the flu. Mind is clearer. At peace. Feeling more compassionate. - Ignatz Ziller II

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed that I haven't been sick since, my colon problems have gone away, I discovered a whole new variety of foods, I feel healthier, I see meat as the tortured corpse of a dead animal instead of food, it pains me to see meat or dairy in any form, and I can live with a clear conscience but constantly feeling the suffering of the animals. - Alex Corrigan

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed that I became more sensitive to the plight of other creatures as well as social justice issues. - Valerie McGowan

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed that I am less speciesist. That I am more aware of other sentient beings and I am more sensitive and lighter. I have a much better sense of justice and a better understanding of nonviolence. I now truly believe that veganism is the most important social justice movement anyone can engage in. Veganism can solve many of the world's problems and so it's vital for everyone who is vegan to educate themselves and then educate others. Veganism is much more than a diet. We need to end the property status of other animals through creative, nonviolent vegan education. I can not think of a better, more important way to spend one's life than doing vegan education. - Trisha Roberts

Since I became vegan, I noticed I have better skin, a cleaner conscience, and I've been effortlessly losing weight. - Justin Michael Schmidt

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed that I notice all of the suffering all around me, every day, whether I see it or just know it's there. - Mary Martin Loder

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed how something so simple as respect for all, can be made so complicated and demeaned by social conditioning. - Lorraine Haines

Since I became Vegan, I've noticed that I am more aware of suffering and the socially accepted violence around us, but I am also more motivated to move the world forward as I know now that it is possible, (and since eating mostly raw vegan food, my dermatitis has stopped! - Sally Thompson

Since I became vegan, I noticed how deeply entrenched carnists are in their ideology that meat eating is “normal,” as speciesists are deeply entrenched in their ideology that human supremacy over nonhuman animals is “normal.” - Janet Weeks

Since I became vegan, I conscious I now am about the effects of all my actions, and I take great care to choose the most humane path available for living beings and natural systems. - Sheryl Rapee-Adams

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed how *easy* it is to eat and use only plant/mineral-based products. - Lindsey Sanders

Since I became vegan, I have noticed not only the injustices behind animal products, but capitalism itself. In the same way that the animal-using industries want the public to remain disconnected from the horrors that occur behind closed doors, capitalism feeds off the ignorance of consumers so that we buy more, unaware about the consequences our impulse buys have on cheap laborers and the environment as a whole. Veganism has inspired me to consume less and to be more mindful about the purchases I make, as well as become more aware of various forms of privilege, oppression, and other social justice issues that are intertwined with animal liberation. - Chelsea Miller

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed that I am healthier in both physical and mental way, no more depression. I´ve been trying to save any living being if possible. I´ve been getting much more sensitive about other beings and their hurt and suffering. Been feeling almost nauseous in grocery stores cause of all meat and other animal products. To say it in a simple way: my eyes have been opened, finally! - Janne Högström

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed for the first time that I am living a clean life - clean physically, spiritually, emotionally and morally.- Christine Vardaros

Since I became vegan, I realize that I can make a real difference in alleviating the suffering of other animals. I am not powerless to help them, therefore I no longer feel ashamed of being a human being. Relationships with my animal kin have become free of guilt and confusion. I have found a meaningful moral baseline. The missing piece of the puzzle has fitted into its rightful place. - Katia Luto

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed a whole weight of guilt was lifted from me when I thought I had to eat animal products to survive. I have since found so many other options for what I eat and consume in other ways. - Maida Waldner Genser

Since I became vegan, I felt bad for every day I was a vegetarian and vowed never again to consume anything that came from an animal. I realized my life from this moment on is for the animals and I must do everything in my power to stop the vile animal abusers and their killing spree. I realized the fight for animals does not end in my kitchen and that we must collectively work together to form a real resistance movement. I realized nothing is more important than fighting for the abused, enslaved, and tortured. I will stop at nothing to help the victims achieve their freedom. Animal Liberation! - Ghazal Tajalli

Since I became vegan, I have noticed that I feel so liberated in mind, body and spirit. I have also gained clarity of mind and am so healthy. I love knowing that the choices I make do not harm another sentient being. - Melissa Vegan-Keller

Since I became vegan, I have noticed in going vegan that I was paying ultimate respect to all animals in not eating wearing or otherwise using them to the greatest possible extent. I understood, thanks to Gary L. Francione, this was the least I should be doing. But since I became vegan I've had an overwhelming sense that I finally have found my purpose in life. And quite simply, that is to spend the rest of my life acquainting others of this same simple, yet powerful, obligation. - Jeffrey Coolwater

Since I became vegan, I have noticed I've noticed the frightening lack of interconnectedness most humans have to the living world around them and the incredibly destructive thoughtlessness with which they go about this. I may be healthier in body BUT I'm A LOT sadder than I have ever been. No personal improvements can outweigh the knowledge I have gained that humans are a cancer on this planet and that we will not be missed. I feel a personal responsibility to tread as lightly on this planet as I can possibly manage. Becoming Vegan has been a wake-up slap to reality! - Jen GaiaVegan

Since I became vegan, I have noticed that there is a lot of different vegan foods out there that I had never tried before. That tofu is delicious if it's prepared in the right way. That we are all animals and all persons - and that forcing others to do our bidding is just plain and simply, wrong. And-that we can live without using nonhuman animals. And also, that I no longer feel like I couldn't live in a world were pets didn't exist. I now feel like what we are doing is wrong, and that everyone deserves to be free to live their life as they choose. Michaela Österlund

Since I became vegan, I have noticed I get fewer colds and my nose is not blocked up all the time. - Greg McFarlane

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed how oblivious others around me are to the suffering they are causing, simply by living what they consider their 'normal' everyday lives. How much needless violence is caused by the products they use even just to shower with in the morning, before even starting with who they may be eating for breakfast, let alone lunch and dinner, or whose skin provided their handbags, clothes, shoes, etc...How the evidence of that suffering is apparent everywhere I go but it seems I'm the only one who though everyone else is unconscious, whilst I'm wide awake and yet living in a constant nightmare of the knowledge of that suffering. Sometimes it just makes me want to scream..."Wake up!!! See what I see and DO something about it!!!" And also that however bad this all makes me feel, it's NOTHING compared to the pain and misery the other animals are forced to go through, every moment of every day. - Sue Rivers

Since I became vegan, I have noticed how conformist most people seem to be.
Richard Twine

Since I became vegan, I have noticed how deep in denial most of the world is about the production of dairy products. Dairy is still seen by most people as something good, nourishing - something to nourish and reward children with - and that a life without any dairy products at all is seem by most people, to be an unsatisfying and unhealthy diet. I've also noticed how unaware most people are of what it actually means to be vegan, and that it's widely seen as a mere diet. - Flavia LotusBlossom

Since I became vegan, I have noticed that although the world seems a much weirder place now, I am much happier and I am extremely glad to have had the opportunity to encounter veganism and be just to animals. - Vera Cristofani

Since I became vegan, I have noticed that I feel a true kinship with all life.- Donna Anderson

Since I became vegan, I have noticed I have more energy, less to no aches, clear skin and better mood. Now I notice all the time how much our society relies on animal exploitation, how dairy is everywhere, how apathetic people are to violence on animals. And how the connection I have with my dogs was always great, but now is on another level (and this includes all living beings). - Martina H. Shakahari

Since I became vegan, I have noticed that I have found that I am far more connected to animals than humans. When with animals and nature I'm at peace whereas around people I feel contemptuous of them for knowingly partaking of unimaginable suffering. The arrogance I find in people is appalling that they believe they are superior to other beings. - Tricia Glynn

Since I became vegan, I have noticed that I'm happier! (which is something that everyone wants, but very few can achieve.) I may worry and get upset when seeing and empathising with the suffering of animals, but at the end of the day having compassion for animals has made me a better person and has enabled me to enjoy a richer life. - Andres Grijalva

Since I became vegan, I have noticed that we truly DO live in 'The Matrix' and are a virus on this planet. Vegans have burst through the delusion that all's well behind the Slaughterhouse curtain. Also that the rabbit hole is very very deep!!! And how DISCONNECTED we are from nature! And how many animal-lovers eat animals. - Diane Smith

Since I became vegan, I have noticed that Compassion arouses such suspicion in people, but it's the best thing I have or will ever do. I love animals and now I am a living protest. Looking around we are ethically bankrupt in the way we treat animals as *things* and I don't want any part of it... It changes your life in every way for the better. - Wendy Shaw

Since I became vegan, I have noticed less hair on my body, inclined to be cooler temperature wise, and my love and respect for the animals, for the indigenous people has grown and grown. I am also very happy in my own skin (vegan 36 years) NO animal milk 67 years, no eggs 69 years. - Rex Tyler

Since I became vegan, I have noticed I sleep better! - Nerida V Monk

Since I became vegan, I have noticed that I prefer animals to most humans!
Patricia Anne Bellairs

Since I became vegan, I have noticed …
- that food can be a drug, or a medicine.
- that my body increasingly prefers raw foods.
- the connection between mood and hydration.
- that what i crave is not always what i need.
- that people are truly addicted to meat and dairy.
- that vegan is the healthy and ethical choice.
- that vegans are more 'awake' than omnivores.
Scott Lahteine

Since I became vegan, I have noticed how deeply rooted suffering, cruelty and injustice is and how it's so completely normalized and how hypocritical everything is. - Sarah Kiser

Since I became vegan, I have noticed that many other vegans do not take activism seriously, which can be way more impactful to animals than our own consumer choices. - Joseph T. Espinosa

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed all of the above and a sense of FREEDOM.- Ann Thomas

Since I became vegan, I have noticed that I began to understand the meaning of speciesism. - Wendy A. M. Prosser

Since I became vegan, I noticed how utterly cruel and selfish the human species can be. - Sharron PrymakaV-Osh

Since I became vegan, I have noticed that I feel so much more inner peace, and a sense of connection with other beings. It is quite liberating. - Peter Farras

Since I became vegan, I have noticed how wonderfully connected I feel to Mother Earth and all her creatures. My soul is at peace. - Kerry L Shoemaker-Davis

Since going vegan, I’ve noticed that going vegan is easy – take it from a ‘newby’. And I didn’t think it would be easy! I have not once been sorry. I have not missed anything I used to eat (like meat, eggs, butter). I can’t even begin to tell you the wondrous ways my life and views have changed. - Bridget Vegan-is-Love

Since I became vegan, I‘ve noticed that it improved mental health. Afterwards what sadness/anger I felt with the new facts (I watched Earthlings years after going vegan for no reason I could define, and I had no idea humans could be so cruel) is like fuel and very different to any depression I had before going vegan, which was no doubt caused by a subconscious knowledge. There are cues we pick up about inconsistencies/injustice around us. - Tharan SxEv

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed that I feel lighter, happier and more at peace inside. People say I look younger than ever. It is the best thing that ever happened to me. As an animal lover the vegan diet is the perfect diet incorporating health and compassion. - Kathy Divine

Since I became vegan I've noticed that I actually feel like "me" more than I ever have before. I may be the only one around that sees the world without the aid of rose-colored glasses... Sometimes it's lonely - But it's also REAL - I can live with that. - Bea V Elliott

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed cruelty is everywhere and most people are oblivious to it. - Shelley Petlansky Watkins

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed how easy it is to convince others that using nonhuman animals is wrong, and how much harder it is to get them to change how they live. - Leah McKelvie

Since I became vegan, I’ve noticed that I am also kinder to myself. - Luis David Rojas


Glenn said...

I love this posting! Excellently compiled!

Unknown said...

I relate to these comments here and I could have written any of them myself. I feel less alone knowing there are others who have journeyed this path I am now on. I am so grateful to be vegan!